Saturday, August 14, 2010

YakPhotography: Pictures of the rain that was as beautiful as crystals

It started to rain yesterday evening and I had the urge to snap some pictures of it. However, I got carried away and spent about an hour in the rain. The results, a fever today but it was worth it as I enjoyed taking pictures of the beautiful crystal-like droplets.

Here are the pictures that has caused me a fever:

The pictures below are taken by the pool:

After the rain:

Hope you enjoyed the yakster's pictures!


4 ™ said...

nice photos..

Amy Lim Su Yen said...

Thanks! Glad you like it :-)

Jayren Kwan Hann Yaw said...

Awesome photo ! =)

Amy Lim Su Yen said...

Thanks, anything i need to improve on do tell me :-)

nee.Ya.nia said...

nice photos.. i luv first photo.. ^^)8

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Glad you like it :-)

HitoMi Ng said...

whoa, I love your first shot! you are nikonian!

Amy Lim Su Yen said...

Thanks! but those pictures are taken with my Canon not the Nikon, haha :-)

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